Sizzling heat, inadequate ventilation can cost thousands
By Kim Cox:
Did you know the average August temperature here in Damascus, Maryland, is a sweltering 84 degrees? Yikes!
You may like the high temps… you may hate them… not to mention they can cause life-threatening heatstroke and dehydration to people and pets.
But did also you know…

High summer temperatures can also cause serious, costly damage to your home and roof?
Yep… it’s true! And the real damage is almost always caused by one common problem.
Improper, or insufficient (sometimes no) attic ventilation.
You see, in order to prevent damage caused by overheating, your home needs to “breathe” by creating proper airflow.
Fortunately, it can be corrected without ripping off your entire roof.
Warning signs that your home isn’t ventilated properly:
- Are shingles curling prematurely?
- Is your roof deck warped?
- Walls warping?
- Is the paint peeling on inside walls?
- Getting mold or mildew in your attic?
If ignored too long, these warning signs can cost you several thousands of dollars in roof and home repairs.
Don’t let the summer heat force you to spend tons of money on roof repairs!
Simply call our professional roofing and ventilation specialists to schedule your FREE, no-obligation roof and ventilation inspection professional.
We’ll thoroughly inspection your attic, roof, and ventilation system
for potential issues before they become a much bigger
and costly problem. Call Kim at 301-368-3551 today!
On Top Home Improvements, Inc.
10818 Avonlea Ridge Place
Damascus, MD 20872
Tel: 301-368-3551
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