Take a closer look at what you’ll get in your
When you get an estimate from On Top Home Improvement, you’re not just going to get a vague estimate hand-scratched out on a piece of paper.
No way! You’re going to get a detailed quote that covers everything you’ll need to do the job right!
Plus… you’ll get:
- Proof of insurance
- Copies of all of our certificates
- Copies of our Maryland licenses, and
- Your Satisfaction Guarantee
- And some other important goodies thrown in to show why you made a smart decision for hiring us
Now you can get a birds-eye view of the standard documents included in every proposal packet.
Just click on any of the thumbnails below to see what’s included.
(Note** Just click the picture again or hit the ESC key, and it will close)

Home Improvement Proposal and Estimate Folder
If you’re in Montgomery, Prince George’s, or Howard County Maryland, we can help.
Our customers own homes in Baltimore, Frederick MD to Silver Spring, over to Columbia, and everywhere in between.